For many high school students, summertime is an annual rite of passage. The welcome break from school opens up many chances to spend time socializing with friends. School work becomes something that occupies less of your worries, and there is nothing wrong with that! This extended break gives the high school student time to decompress and recharge, something that everyone definitely needs and deserves.

Summertime also offers a bevy of opportunities for students who are looking to beef up their resume. Many local businesses and organizations also take advantage of the influx of high school students who suddenly find themselves with a lot of free time. As a high school student preparing for college, you may find the perfect opportunity to get a part-time summer job. More importantly, you can find amazing opportunities to pick up valuable volunteer hours or internships!

Oftentimes, charitable organizations will take advantage of warm weather and a summertime economy to schedule fundraising events. Fun runs, festivals, golf tournaments, and many other fundraising events often require crucial volunteer help to successfully execute. These events are perfect for a high school student to volunteer for and they look impressive on a resume for college application. Furthermore, many of these volunteer events may count for Bright Futures requirements. It’s a true win-win for student volunteers — you get the satisfaction of helping out a great cause along with those sweet volunteer hours.

Along the same lines, many businesses take on help during the summer months and offer paid part-time positions as well as internships. A student who wants to pursue a career as a veterinarian may offer to internship at a local veterinarian office or animal hospital. Many professionals will allow the student to “shadow” them at times, and learn valuable insights into the career they intend to pursue. This relationship benefits both parties. Again, the student gains valuable experience for their resume, and the business owner gains help from someone who is dedicated and passionate to learning more about their career choices.

Summertime is perfect to recharge and balance out, but make sure that balance includes the effort to pursue the chance to improve your resume. It’s the ideal time to reach out and market yourself to businesses and organizations. Everyone benefits from the passion and dedication of a career-oriented high school student who truly wants to excel, and you should be taking the opportunity to put yourself out there and chase those dreams!

At Nexstep, we have a large variety of resources and networking tools at our disposal. If you are interested in making yourself more enticing to colleges and universities after graduation, then reach out to us and let us know! We love to talk to students about their goals and dreams, and helping you succeed is what we do.

Now, get out there and enjoy that summer sun!