It happens in the blink of an eye. One day you walk them in to their first day of Kindergarten. The next day, they begin their high school journey. You have invested so much time, energy, money, and love into their education yet you find yourself asking “What more can I do to prepare them for college? What is the next step to take?”

Dual Enrollment is a fantastic option for many high-school students, and it is available to almost any student! Did you know students that are home-schooled can even begin the dual enrollment program and begin earning college credits?

Florida Statutes state:

The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or home education student in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student.

Florida Statute 1007.271(1)

What does this mean for you? Simply, your child is likely eligible to begin dual enrollment as part of their education process and you may not have even known!

That is where Nexstep comes in.

Our dual enrollment specialists understand the entire dual enrollment process from start to finish — and how to best leverage that opportunity to get it done right the first time. We know dual enrollment and the ins and outs of higher education, each step of the way to ensure the process is efficient and effective.

Our team will partner with you to provide the following services:

  • Application review for accuracy
  • Advising on course selection
  • Career exploration
  • Early schedule planning
  • Registration
  • Degree evaluation
  • Prerequisite identification
  • Transfer information for university admission

While dual enrollment is a fantastic opportunity for eligible students to enroll in college coursework, it is also important to monitor the student’s academic journey to ensure the student is marketable to their preferred program at the university of their choice when they are ready to transfer. Depending on the circumstances and goals, we will consult with you to determine if dual enrollment is the best option, or if AP courses may be more beneficial.

Whatever the case may be, you aren’t alone in the process. We are your Nexstep, and we are here to help you succeed.

Contact us today to schedule a free phone consultation with a dual enrollment specialist and let us ease your stress. After all, you have moments to cherish with your child as they continue to grow — and that is where the real moments happen that matter.