One of the most consistent things we hear is how frustrating it can be to select the correct courses for the program you are interested in pursuing. Do I need this class? Do I need that one? Believe us, we know, we have been there too!

An academic advisor can be your biggest ally in navigating the sometimes chaotic task of selecting classes for your degree track. Often, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. A good advisor is one that helps you with what you need to finish your current degree, but an amazing advisor is one that looks at the bigger picture regarding your education and helps you make decisions about your current degree and how the courses could help or hurt you as you transfer to pursue your next degree.

Enter Nexstep.

What are your plans for your current degree? What schools and programs are you wanting to attend after you finish this one? Will each course transfer and be recognized for credit? It can be easy to overlook if you are focused on the present, but your Nexstep advising specialist will look at your personalized educational path for your future and help you plot your track to success — and likely save a lot of headaches along the way.

Your Nexstep advising specialist will consult with you to cover the important questions:

  • What classes should you be taking to reach your goal?
  • Which Universities offer the best program for you?
  • What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist? (We get that a lot!)
  • How much schooling will I actually need?
  • Which classes satisfy both High School and College requirements?
  • Which is better for me, Dual Enrollment or AP courses?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s okay if you don’t have those answers. It’s not okay, however, if you never get those answers. Your specialist will help you find the answers and tailor your personal college path to your needs and desires.

Nexstep is here to be your partner throughout the process of academic planning — including course selection, term-by-term planning, degree evaluations, and more. We will even perform a personality profile to determine what career choices may interest and inspire you based on how your magnificent brain thinks. On top of all that, we will take it a Nexstep further, and research college programs, deadlines, and course requirements that differ from each institution. Now that is what we call service!

It’s more than service. It’s our passion. It’s our commitment to you. It’s knowing we are beside you in the trenches, and the relief you feel knowing we have your back until the end.

Ultimately, it’s your Nexstep, and we look forward to partnering with you!

Contact us today to schedule your free phone consultation and discuss how an amazing academic advisor can help you fast-track your success!