Welcome to your Nexstep!

Founded on core principles of dedication, hard work, passion for education, and a drive to help others achieve their goals, we recognize that it isn’t always easy to begin and maintain an effective college path. Over the years of working in higher education as administrators and instructors, we have continuously advised and mentored students and parents. One common question that is heard all the time is simply “What is my next step?”

Parents and students often find out that while the high level view of how the college process looks is simple enough, the intricate details and many moving parts underneath that process can be a bit overwhelming and complex at times.

Each path is different and unique. Students in high school who are in dual enrollment should be advised to take the correct courses to ensure they will have the necessary prerequisites to apply — and be accepted — to the 4-year universities that they wish to attend. If your child is interested in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) career field, then their college coursework should be heavily focused on STEM classes, often giving less freedom to choose courses that may be easier. The dual enrollment course path for a student interesting in pre-med is going to be vastly different than the student who is interested in a Photography career. It’s important to know how to structure your child’s path to make sure they are ready to seamlessly transition to their next step!

We have the knowledge and experience to help you find your way. We have helped hundreds of students begin and finish dual enrollment, and helped them apply to the 4-year university of their choice. We are here to assist every step of the way, whether it is advising, scholarship searching, FAFSA completion, or application.

Reach out to Nexstep today and schedule an appointment with a consultant to discuss your needs. When you are ready to take the first step, we want to be your Nexstep!